Home > ucode Allocation Procedure1

ucode Allocation Procedure1

Please join TRON Forum

Ubiquitous ID Center that allocates ucode is operated by “TRON Forum” which is an NPO with the activity of international scope to realize ubiquitous computing environment. TRON Forum allocates 48-bit ucode (Approximately 281 trillion ucodes) to its A-members (including Executive Committee members), i-members, e-members, Academic members and Supporting members for free on request. While being the member of the forum, you can issue ucode freely from the allocated area. We truly look forward to your admission to TRON Forum. For details of the forum such as our activities, annual membership fee, etc., please visit the following website:
http: http://www.tron.org/

For TRON Forum members:

Issuing ucode by non-TRON Forum members or individuals:

Try the ucode Universal Information Service “ucoder” or ucode Issue Service “issuer” provided by YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory (Executive Committee member of TRON Forum/Director: Ken Sakamura). ucoder is the service to allow you to issue up to 100 ucodes and associate them with information. issuer is the service to issue one ucode after you enter e-mail address.

To search ucode at hand:

Use ucode Search Service. If you enter ucode in the search box, you can obtain the information associated with the ucode (resolution information) and the information related to the ucode.

To use ucode for managing equipment or personal belongings:

Use ubiquitous equipment management system, “u-Item” (u-Item is available only in Japanese at this moment) provided by YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory (Executive Committee member of TRON Forum/Director: Ken Sakamura). u-Item is an ASP service that uses ucode as an equipment number. With ubiquitous ID technology, u-Item has the following advantages: 1) can use the same equipment label even if the equipment is relocated 2) can obtain equipment information on mobile phones using ucodeQR 3) Disclose minimum information to unauthorized people by setting access control to registered information 4) this ASP service saves the trouble of introducing the system.

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